Do you know what the difference is between residential and commercial construction requirements are as it pertains to OHS? (FYI) In commercial construction the property owner hires a general contractor to over see all the sub trades including their OHS requirements and enforces them. This removes the property owner of that duty and responsibility. In residential construction the property owner does the hiring of the various sub-trades including the self-employed which does not remove them from that same duty and their responsibilities, it adds to them. How would you expect the homeowner to know these things with very-little or no construction experience? The OHSA can be difficult to understand at the best of times. The RCSA have made this process much easier to learn and understand but first you need to want it. You can not help someone when they assume that because nobody told me, and I did not know, that this would be a strong defense in applying your due diligence. This is a false belief.
RCSA has now completed our first safety training module and the public can easily access it on line from this web site. This safety training home study module, "RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE PARTIES OF THE INTERNAL RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM" is currently being offered for free below. This course was designed and written in plain language.
There is a lot more to be understood about the IRS (the Internal Responsibility System) Occupational Health and Safety Act then the general public is aware of. It reaches far beyond the basic safety training your employer may have provided you with. RCSA has provided the tools you needed to fill in this gap within this program, factual knowledge not assumption. Your support is always appreciated, the RCSA Team.
The duties and responsibilities between the homeowner and the independent contractor and self-employed individuals under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The various roles each party plays or takes on under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Having liability insurance, WCB coverage and a written contract pertaining to the Occupational Health and Safety Act. What does this imply?
Due-diligence, how to identify it and apply it to a workplace.
What is a hazard and how do you identify it and control them.
Identifying various types of safety training programs that are presently available and which ones are mandatory for a construction workplace.
The Module
At this time, the module is only available in English. There are three hot links of the Nova Scotia OHSA and their various Regulations within the module to support the information in this module.
The module is made available as single Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
RSCA operates from and serves Nova Scotia.